Monday, June 3, 2019


So, growing up I never really had to worry much about favoritism between my brothers and myself. My mother never pulled that shit often and when she did I told her about it. I can understand sometimes as a parent we have a bond stronger with one child more than other I know it happens, but what really had me upset is the fact that my children are going through this with my mother in law. And I know I'll probably get private messages and text about how I shouldn't say anything about it, but I'm sorry after almost sixteen years of my girls crying and asking why their Nana can't be bothered with them I'm over it.

My oldest daughter birthday is the same as her cousins and because of this she has never had her Nana at her birthday. The mother in law is always willing to drive hours to see her daughter's kids and do things with them. Take them on vacation and spend tons of money on them. But my kids are chop liver. Now if you dislike me that's totally fine, but my kids shouldn't suffer for it. Since my kids dad and I got together he's spent all his time sucking up and chasing after her. All holidays it's hit or miss if she sends them even a card. This month my oldest will be 16 years old, and their Nana decided to throw a party for Tyler's birthday. That's awesome! Though Tyler doesn't want it and in fact doesn't even wanna go to see her Dad's family. I was trying to encourage her to go, because seeing her Nana, Aunt, Uncles, and Cousins are important. Till I find out my mother in law doesn't want my youngest there. Its bad enough I wasn't invited and I won't be spending time with my daughter on her special day, but for her to cut out Hayden who was looking forward to it. Well needless to say it took everything in me not to call her and go off.

As a mother I couldn't do that to my girls. I always try make sure everything is equal. Birthdays and other holidays I do my best to make sure neither feel left out or over looked. Growing up I know what it felt like at times to watch my little brothers get more than me Christmas time. Because I was the oldest I was suppose to suck it up and deal with it. And for the most part I just excepted it, but as a parent now I'm very upset on how my in laws treat my girls. Maybe I'm wrong to feel this way. Fav

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